I'm New
Here's What To Expect...
  • What is it like?
    • Our Sunday Service, at 11:00 a.m., usually runs about 60 minutes. It's a combination of worship music, a main sermon, a communion celebration, and other housekeeping matters (not necessarily in that order). Our music is vocal and accompanied by various instruments. Sermons are strongly Biblical and rooted in the tenets of our faith.

  • What about my kids?
    • Kids are always welcome during our services, if that's most comfortable for you. During our Sunday Service, younger kids are dismissed to a Junior Worship service just before the main sermon begins. For the very youngest of children, we have a nursery that has a closed circuit television for watching the sermon while being in the nursery.

  • Where do I park?
    • Parking is available in the parking lot directly north of the church building. Also, a limited number of parking spots are available off of 3rd Street and off of Mocassin Street.

  • What do I wear?
    • Our covenant partners dress across the spectrum, so visitors should be able to feel comfortable wearing most things considered appropriate for public. It's less about what you wear, and more about being there.

  • How can I get connected?
    • We have a number of ministries that are always looking for volunteers, as well as some small group and Sunday School opportunities. If you have questions about getting involved in any of these opportunities, feel free to talk with either of the ministers or any of the church elders.